
Our Philosophy

The ambitious goal of Green Smart Power (GSP) is, to serve as  BRIDGE builder between Europe and the MENA-region.

Bridging does not only mean for us to apply our long standing know how and vast network, but also engage with our profound knowledge about religion, history and culture of each country.

GSP does not only open doors but accompanies the clients on their way to the Orient with wide-ranging services that are oriented towards sustainable success in the selected markets.

Our focus lies on sustainable and renewable energies and energy efficiency to meet the energy requirements. It is crucial to optimise the existing potential and implement innovative products and technologies.

water is life

GSP operates as well in the water/waste water sector especially in regions where water is more expensive than oil.

GSP uses its knowledge to build and maintain the relevant infrastructure in those countries.

The reciprocal effects beween both ressources – Power and Water –  and the competition regarding their utilisation are growing dramatically.